
From Version v0.4.2.8 and beyond its possible to customize some balance settings on your own hosted games. However note that modifying default presets will result in the server being listed as a "custom game".

Enabling custom balance settings[]

By default when creating a game, one of the 3 balance settings has to be selected: solo, realtime, or persistent but it is also possible to customize the game balance settings by adding a balance_settings.ini file in the game save folder.

  1. Create your new server game and then shut it down.
  2. Find the model file called default_balance_settings.ini that can be found in the game install root folder (next to the game .exe).
  3. copy that file in the server game folder you want to customize ( AppData\Local\Ymir\saves\GAMENAME\ )
  4. rename it to balance_settings.ini
  5. open it and edit the settings as you want
  6. restart your server: the custom settings should now override the default game preset

Settings info[]

The balance settings allow you to modify various speed and rate settings of the game. The model file contains default values corresponding to the "persistent" game preset.

vp_cycle:         default duration of a Victory Points cycle in seconds
eco_cycle:        duration of an economic cycle in seconds ( building produces resource units every x seconds )
eco_rate:         percentage modifying economic rates per cycle
growth_cycle:     duration of a population growth cycle in seconds (affecting duration of a generation)
growth_rate:      percentage modifying growth rate per cycle
build_cycle:      duration of a construction cycle in seconds, affects speed of construction
build_rate:       percentage modifying construction rate per cycle
loyal_cycle:      duration of a loyalty cycle in seconds, affects speed of loyalty evolution in territories
culture_cycle:    duration of a culture cycle in seconds, affects speed of culture evolution in territories and
culture_rate:     percentage modifying culture production rates per cycle
civpoint_cycle:   duration of a civilization points cycle in seconds, affects the speed of getting new civpoints
event_cycle:      seconds, cycle of refreshing new events
idea_cycle:       seconds, cycle of refreshing new ideas
idea_odds:        percentage modifying odds of new ideas
tech_cycle:       duration of a project cycle in seconds, affects the speed of projects
tech_rate:        percentage modifying the progress rate of projects per cycle
form_cycle:       duration of a formation cycle in seconds, affects the speed of AP recovery
form_rate:        percentage modifying the progress rate of AP recovery per cycle
mov_speed:        delay in seconds between formation movements on the world map
treaty_unit:      time unit for treaty duration in seconds
AI_waves_freq:    AI auto-waves frequency, in minutes
dismant_delay:    minimum duration in seconds before a territory can be dismantled after joining a nation

Default values of Realtime games[]

The following balance_settings.ini file contains the default values for realtime servers. This can be used as a starting point if you want to change the game speed in your realtime game but keep relative balance intact.
