
Priviledges Policy[]

  • enables Leader's and officials' privileges
  • up to 25% each territory wealth will be distributed equaly among representatives of given class in given territory, if that territory does not have any representatives of that class, then the wealth is lost
  • +20% population conflict
  • loyalty is reduced proportionally to % of total wealth sized
  • Hidden effect: city and formation upkeep is refunded by 2x leader's priviledges % until you separate founds with Treasury policy


  • Apply official's priviledges early in the game up to even 25%, it will greatly reduce waste in your capital
  • Remove official's priviledges when you are rich enough to pay them using State salaries
  • When you have to pay for huge army and fortifications leader's priviledge will help you cover that until you separate founds
  • Leader's priviledges synergies with Superior Leader policy
  • Maintaining this policy costs a lot in loyalty, wealth and increases conflict
  • The earliest time when you can get rid of it is when you introduce Currency, introduction of City State is very good time to do it